
Located in Carrollton, Georgia, & serving West Georgia,  Douglasville, and metro Atlanta.

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tedPersonal Philosophy

It has been said that the end is inherent in the means.  Establishing inner peace as a means to the end is my goal; both  personally and as a therapeutic process in my hypnosis and counseling  practice.

Past negative experiences - abandonment, abuse, betrayal,  deprivation, etc. - must be healed and released in the present if we are to liberate our future from repetitive thought patterns that block  peacefulness. With a focus on the here and now, my approach seeks the  joyfulness of personal empowerment by resolving inner conflict.  Practicing proven spiritual principles, such as faith,

Ted Ceccoli, MA
Certified Hypnotherapist
Licensed Professional Counselor


forgiveness, and  mindfulness, coupled with the therapeutic exploration of purpose,  relational authenticity, meaningfulness, perception and judgment has  evolved as the method.

About Your Hypnotherapist

Ted Ceccoli holds a Masters degree in Humanistic Psychology and is  licensed by the state of Georgia as a Professional Counselor. He has additional training and certifications in hypnosis from The  Hypnosis Institute in New York City, the Atlanta National Hypnosis  Institute and the Omni Hypnosis Training Center. He has been in private practice as a hypnotherapist since 1999, and is a member in good  standing of the American Society of Clinical Hypnosis

Located in Carrollton, Georgia, Ted helps clients from  all over West Georgia, Douglasville, and metro Atlanta.  Please feel welcome to call or email Ted at PH:770-838-9806

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